Kate is a wonderful actress. She just did a few episodes for The 100 series. And she was also great in BSG. I’m looking forward to seeing her in this. But I am curious about one thing: if she’s supposed to be a Starfleet Captain, why is she not wearing the rank of a Starfleet Captain?
Wow!!! Can this woman be any more attractive?? She is HOT!
Oh, the uniform looks great too!!
She looks awesome. Can’t wait to see Kate do her thing. she reminds me alot in this pic of Barbara Bain from space 1999
Kate is a wonderful actress. She just did a few episodes for The 100 series. And she was also great in BSG. I’m looking forward to seeing her in this. But I am curious about one thing: if she’s supposed to be a Starfleet Captain, why is she not wearing the rank of a Starfleet Captain?