Kickstarter is a new and fantastic way to raise money, but many people don’t understand how it works.
First, understand that generally, you get about 70% of the total money raised. 10% goes to Kickstarter and Amazon payment processing fees. Another 10% we have budgeted for Perks (the gifts you earn at different donation levels). And there is generally a 10% drop out rate (which we hope is way less!). So basically we get 70% to spend on Prelude to Axanar.
The budget for Prelude to Axanar was set at $ 15,000 – 20,000. We set the Kickstarter bar low at $ 10,000 as we really didn’t know what kind of response we would get. We could have gotten Prelude done for $ 10,000, but it would have meant deferring payment to our VFX team and others, who graciously offered to work and take payment after the main Kickstarter if needed. So now we don’t have to do that, or cut any corners. So the first $ 20,000 we get goes to Prelude. So to get that $ 20,000, we need to raise about $ 28,500 (remember we only get 70%), which we have done.
What does that pay for? Well, first we need about $ 5,000 for make up. That is because we need to get all the initial design, sculpting and production of Richard Hatch’s Klingon hair and make-up and Gary Graham’s hair and make-up done up front. The good news is that money doesn’t then need to be spent in Axanar.
We also need about $ 5,000 to pay the actors. When you get such amazing actors as we have gotten, you have to pay them because this is how they make a living. And we want them very invested in our project and to go above and beyond. For example, Richard Hatch (who is also my acting coach) has opened up his Tuesday acting class to our production to do rehearsals and scene work in class. That is an amazing opportunity. Gary Graham said he was going to come by to work with the other actors in the class. So if you want these professionals to be invested in your production, you need to invest in them.
Then, there is the Visual Effects. That is $ 5,000 right now (but could be higher). That leaves $ 5,000 for the shoot itself. All those numbers are pretty accurate, but you never know what pops up.
So again, to get that $ 20,000, we need to raise about $ 28,500. And thank you all for helping us reach that!
So what about what we raise above that? Well, first it will be nice to have a cushion in case we experience any cost overruns. But mostly, anything above the $ 28,500 or so will go into our Axanar infrastructure. We have to set up a production company, which means legal paperwork, get production insurance, pay the garment manufacturer who is making the Axanar uniforms (we are using the company that makes Anovos’ TOS uniforms) and get the costumes ready. Making the Starfleet tunics will actually take 90 days from beginning to end. Plus we have to start on the new Klingon costumes.
So rest assured that whatever money we raise will go towards bringing you the Star Trek you all want to see. We take our responsibility to you seriously and appreciate that you have invested with us!
So at the $ 30,000 level, we basically fully fund Prelude to Axanar. And for every $ 10,000 above that we raise, we will actually get $ 7,000 towards the production of Axanar.
I hope that answer your questions! And if you have more, feel free to ask them on the Axanar Forum.
Alec Peters
Axanar Creator
Wow this movie sounds like a terrific new StarTrek project..I would love to be an extra in this 🙂