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Support an Axanar Fan in Need! – UPDATE: SUCCESS!

By August 6, 2018 August 17th, 2018 Axanar News

Alissa’s kids


I am very happy to say that due in large part to Axanar fans, Alissa and her three kids hit their goal on GoFundMe and raised $ 1900! They will now be able to move out of the shelter and into a home. THANK YOU for all your support people!

This is something that makes Axanar fans special. We are always looking out for others. It is very important in life that we always help each other, and Axanar fans are the have consistently supported others in this way. A 501c3 non-profit designation means nothing if you don’t actually do charity work.


From time to time, we at Axanar post about an Axanar fan in need.  And Axanar fans, being totally awesome, respond.  Well, here is another fan that needs our help!

Alissa Moriarty is an Axanar fan and divorced mother of three who is currently homeless and living in a shelter with her kids. The good news is that Alissa recently got a full time job at Serta Bedding.

Aliisa’s kids, catching a nap at the shelter.

Alissa is trying to raise the $ 1,900 she needs to move into a small house in her town of Cullman, Alabama. ($500 each, first, last, deposit, & utility deposits of $300 for electric & $100 for water.) Fortunately, she lives in the boondocks, so the rent is cheap!

Alissa’s work station at Serta

This is a good cause and I hope you all will contribute. I am donating $ 100, and any amount, $1, $3, $5 would help. We will post updates in this thread. You can find the GoFundMe here.

Thank you all!


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