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So, about that BackerKit…!


Okay, I know what you’re thinking.  “Where the heck is that email with the link to the BackerKit thingy?!?” (See? I even read minds.)

Short answer? It’s coming, really. But the “why” you haven’t gotten it yet is actually pretty interesting…

Months ago, we decided to hold off on the BackerKit (checkout system) for last August’s “AXANAR” Kickstarter until perks delivery from the earlier, “PRELUDE to AXANAR” Kickstarter was nearing completion, because–between those two Kickstarters– we were looking at around 10,000 donors… which, if you’ve ever been to a good-sized concert or sporting event,  you can kinda-sorta picture, right? (If not, trust me–it’s A LOT.) Made sense to avoid confusing things any more than we had to, by waiting.

So last month, when the “PRELUDE to AXANAR” CDs were on their way to the printers, and the DVD/Blu-rays didn’t have too much further to go, we started working on the “AXANAR” BackerKit. (And talk about a lot of work: every level has a unique code, every individual item in each of those levels has its own code, every size or color selection has a different code, every backer belongs to a unique category and has his own file, and so on.) We then sent all of that info to the BackerKit people, expecting to receive an all-clear sign a week or two later… only to learn that their rates had risen–significantly!–since the last time.

As a crowd-funded project, finding out that something is suddenly going to cost way more than it used to is a huge deal; if we have to spend extra money on the bookkeeping stuff, then that’s money we can’t use to make the movie. So–while doing all of our regular work PLUS prepping for last weekend’s epic First Day of Shooting(!!!)–we’ve also been in negotiations with the BackerKit company, working on getting a better rate.

Bottom line? As soon as the BackerKit is ready, I’ll let everyone know it’s launching. In the meantime, though, don’t worry, because regardless of when the checkout system goes live, it won’t have any effect whatsoever on “AXANAR” perks delivery (which won’t happen until next year, anyhow).

And don’t forget… we’re makin’ a movie. 😀

Trek on…



Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Linda Woestendiek says:

    Is there still any Kickstarter funding available for fans to get in on?

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      There sure is, Linda! Check out the “DONATE” tab in the bar at the top for more info… 🙂

  • Charles R. Williamson Jr. says:

    UMmm, what is a backerkit?

    • Diana Kingsbury says:

      BackerKit is a company that services crowd-funded ventures by providing a data collection and checkout system, which collects addresses and other needed details from donors to campaigns. 🙂

  • Ryan Russell says:

    Thank goodness, I was tired of scanning my email spam for it….like for weeks now

  • Ian says:

    Maybe “encourage” Backerkit by saying you’re looking at switching to After the Crowd (Another fulfillment company used by another Kickstarter (Girl Genius) I pledged for).

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