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Captain’s Log – May 27, 2015

By May 29, 2015 Captain's Log

Bridge 5.26.15

Today was a big day for new crew as we had up Kate Bergh, a wardrobe designer who I have been working with in Sci Fest, the Los Angeles One Act Play Festival.  She happens to be a good friend of John Iacovelli and very well recommended.  She came up with her assistant Kristen for a first visit to the studio and to see my collection of original Star Trek costumes, some of which we will be using in Axanar because they are so awesome (Vulcan, Klingon, Sloan, various DS9, etc).

We also had Christine Sheaks, a well known Hollywood casting agent come by.  She has done over 50 films.  A friend of Rob Burnett’s, Christine is going to handle casting for Axanar.  Yeah, we will be cast like any other Hollywood feature.

And the bridge keeps on looking great!  More help is coming this week too!


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  • John says:

    Wow I wish I lived in CA so I could see the Bridge fist hand!!! Good work guys!!!!!

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