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Captain’s Log – March 24th, 2017

By March 27, 2017 Captain's Log

You know it is amazing how some people want to sound the death knell for Axanar. As if I fought CBS & Paramount for a year to give up on this project. Seriously? If that was the case, I could have taken the money we had left the day we were sued and refunded it to all donors, giving everyone 20 cents on the dollar and said “Hey we tried!” and folded to CBS & Paramount and walked away.

But we didn’t. We fought because it was the right thing to do after we had tried for years to get guidance from CBS and reached out to them time and again for guidelines.

So anyone who thinks after spending all of the donor money, as well as over a quarter million $ of our own money (Diana, me and others), building a studio and amazing sets, costumes, props and VFX, we are going to walk away is frankly, a moron.

Axanar lives because we refuse to let this movement die. We will make the two 15 minute segments, create a vibrant audio drama of the script, release the illustrated script and continue to build on the Axanar universe as long as our donors and fans believe in us and want it to happen. We have a great story to tell in film, audio, and print and we will never quit.






Join the discussion 12 Comments

  • paul j costello says:

    Thank you alex. With the burden all this has placed upon you only a truly honorable man would stand and fight for what he believes is right!!! Kharn the undying would kill you if you took the cowards way out!!!

  • Brian Heite says:

    Alec, as a Greedy Bastard, I am proud to support you and Axanar, mainly because you understand Trek and the kind of Trek a lot of people want. There is a reason WOK was the most popular of the TOS movies. We love the ships, and the stories. I am also sure you folks are capable and will explore the other unexplored areas of Trek with stories worthy of Gene Roddenberry’s vision. I would like to see you folks set up a Patreon account for the studio so we can maybe get the committed folks behind you on a regular basis, without needing to run ongoing campaigns. That would be nice, and is a painless way to support worthy efforts. Trekyards does very well with theirs and I support them because they too, believe in what they do and try their pest to provide the things fans want.

  • Brian Heite says:

    Oopsss.. pest..best…sorry Sam and Stuart…

  • Bartley Rejrat says:

    24 Main Avenue SW
    I believe enough that I donated twice (and I am Retired and on Social Security) to the Making of this Fan Film, and again to the Keeping the set open!
    I as yet have not received any perks and do not care if I do, all I wanted was a DVD copy of the movie, or any of the replacement films if made!
    I collect Star Trek DVDs (I have all the Original Series and a few Fan Made Movies-UN finished series) and really wanted this, but if it doesn’t happen well at least I helped towards the future of Star trek!
    Live Long and Prosper!

  • David Ortiz says:

    The shear stupidity of Paramount and CBS is staggering. Quality work like Anaxar would only increase the overall Star Trek fan base. Keep trying and let us know hiw we real Trekkies can help out. LLAP

  • Thomas says:

    My fingers were crossed that Paramount and CBS would come to realize that the core fans love Axanar so much that they would not only give their blessing, but even fund Axanar to make it a full length film. The Star Trek equivalent of Rogue One. Alas the narrow minded win out and the fans get two fifteen shorts and the crushing of every fan film in the future.

  • EJCox says:

    Thumbs up!

    • Thomas says:

      When you responded to my trivial question on if you were going to use the old and new style makeup for the Klingons, I knew team Axanar was all about the fans. QUAPLAH!

  • Zoe says:

    Please do shoot the entire feature length movie, so that when Paramount finally changes its tune, even if that is 10 years from now, you’ll have the movie ready to post for viewing. They may change their tune at some point because the people at the top don’t remain static, and the fate of official Star Trek is anyone’s guess. The new show, Discovery, could be amazing but it seems more likely, when one looks at Moonves’ decisions and the departure of Rick Berman, that it will be a dog, something Trek can’t afford as its follow-up to Enterprise. They may need Axanar one day to help Star Trek’s reputation.

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