This morning was dedicated to working on the script. Our ace line producer Michael DeMerrit is breaking down the script now and we had to finish revising act 4 as the battle needed a little extra excitment and the Klingons needed to be much more menacing. So that took me all AM an dthen I jumped on a 90 minute call with Mike. As I have told you, Mike spent 11 years on Voyager and Enterprise and is simply a godsend as his knowledge is so vast.
Then it was off to the studio for a quick video intro that Rob Burnett had to shoot for Axanar Production Transmission # 2 (to be released this week) and the local newspaper is doing an article on Ares Studios and so they sent their photographer down.
Meanwhile Dean is working away filling in the loading dock and doing brilliant work.
Thursday is production meeting day. So expect a lot of info tomorrow.