Tuesday, July 7th, 2015
Well, I went to bed at 4:19 am after working on the budget all night and thank God I did. When I woke up at 8:00am, there was a thread on the Fan Group about some moron on Reddit (we actually know who it is, and he is part of another Star trek fan film) who posted lies about our campaign. And of course, someone felt the need to post a link to that crap on the Fan Group. Now some people are gullible and will believe anything they read on the Internet. And some people just love an excuse to complain (usually the ones who haven’t read all the updates we send out, this daily blog, or anything we do to communicate).
The answer was simply to post the budget for the last Kickstarter. Better yet, I posted the beginning of the Axanar Annual Report, with both the Prelude to Axanar and Axanar Kickstarter budgets. That shut the trolls up fast! And you know what? I didn’t have to say a word or answer the troll, because YOU GUYS did it for me! How cool was that? So thanks donors!
Around 10:30 Diana and I left for San Diego and San Diego Comic Con. Sadly I was supposed to work out with my first personal trainer from 13 years ago, who works in Solano Beach, but dealing with the issues at hand meant I would miss that session. I hadn’t seen her in 2 years so was excited to work out with her and show her the progress I have made the past 6 months with my new trainer. Oh well, it did give Diana and I the chance to take a nice, slow drive to San Diego, and eat at our favorite Italian restaurant.
When we got to San Diego, we checked into our hotel for the night, the Andaz, and I went and parked my car down at the public lot across the street from the Omni, where we would be staying starting tomorrow. At $ 15 for 24 hours, getting in one of the public lots is a must with $ 32 valet parking standard at downtown hotels.
When I came back, I ran into Felecia Day on the elevator and told her she was an inspiration, blazing the trail of web series with her “The Guild”. Yeah, I went a bit fan boy on her. 😉 But I did it with style!
Then, Diana and I went out for a nice Mexican dinner and a drink, and then back to work on the Indiegogo! We finished at 1 in the morning! Great work by Ron Gamble and Aaron Harvey on the graphics, and thanks to Indiegogo’s Marc Hofstater and John Trigonis.
Special call out to my buddy Don Gaffney, who made my day by posting this:
go go go
Had no idea that you had already left, now I am doubly impressed with what Diana was dealing with while on the road with the Indiegogo startup. You guys just simply rock… Everytime I turn around you and your team continue to impress with what you are doing to make quality Trek for we the fans. Of course, I know that you are also making it for the biggest fans, y’all…
Looking forward to seeing the panels on video stream however you make that happen…
Live long and prosper!