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Captain’s Log – April 12th, 2016

By April 14, 2016 Captain's Log


Another great Brendon Goodyear Ares mash-up!

And here is one of my favs from Terry McIntosh:

Ares Ent

We are currently working on an Axanar fan art competition.  We love all the great art you all create and we are going to have a competition so we can showcase all the great work you do.  So stay tuned for that! Simon Lissaman, one of our stalwart Art Director’s is putting together the rules now.

That is all I have today!  🙂



Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Chason says:

    Alec & Crew, keep up the excellent work! Fans unite!

  • Scott says:

    The Ares Class is so beautiful! It’s become one of my favorite class of starship along with the Miranda Class.

    Oh! Someone should do an Ares Class with a Constellation Class! That would be cool to see!

  • Brian Heite says:

    Alec, is there any way we could persuade all the great artists who have been highlighted here to proved something suitable for use as desktop backgrounds (higher resolutions)? It would be great to have an Axanar package we could buy or donate for, to have an Axanar day at work!

  • Howard Decker says:

    Why would there be rules? Surely fan artists can create whatever they want.

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